Monday, August 10, 2009

Seek God's Kingdom

Lady of Light

In Mathew 6:33, the bible tells us "See ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."

This verse gives us specific direction of what to do in our goal of life and that is to seek God and His kingdom above all else. And also to seek His righteousness. Then all things will be added on. That is the order of priorities for us as Christians.
Too often there is a temptation to ask God without seeking his kingdom. While it is true that in Phillipians 4 it tells us, "With prayer, and thanksgiving make your requests known unto God...but He wants us to seek first His kingdom and his righteousness.

How do we do this? By reading and meditating on scripture and by praying, worshiping and having fellowship with one another.

In the busyness of life, try to keep your priorities straight and things will go a lot smoother. Those things we think we "don't have time" to do are the most important and actually give us more time and energy for the other things.

As you go about your day, seek God and His kingdom and everything will be in perspective and balance.

Have a great day and God bless you!

Lady of Light

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