Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Let's Vote For A Qualified Candidate in Election 2008

Today I would like to respond to an article on world net called Religion Vs. Race written by California talk radio host Barbara Simpson. I am in total agreement with her sentiments that we don"t want to vote based on religious or racial attitudes and beliefs.

This is a most unique presidential race because so many of the candidates have things that stand out about them that are not simply qualifications to run the country. Do we want a WOMAN president? A MORMON? A BAPTIST PREACHER? or a BLACK MAN? I want the person who is best qualified to run this country and I think Tommy Christopher, on THE POLITICAL MACHINE has handled the topic of candidates very well by simply clarifying the political platform of each candidate in the hopes that people can vote more intelligently.

Edwards is the only one who doesn't seem to have something about him that stands out like a sore thumb and also, as Tommy Christopher said, a most reasonable platform.

Are people really selecting a candidate because they are more interested in their self- image (not a racis, a God-fearing Evangelical)? That is no reason to vote for anyone. I would suggest that the media cooperate in giving the American people the perspective that they need in order to back the person who would best do the job.

I don"t think that anyone who didn't vote for Obama is a racist. He is not the only candidate. I think this whole political scene is getting out of hand and Tommy Christopher is one of the few reporters who has tried to keep a right perspective on the election. The media influences people and has a duty to do better than to try to ascribe motives to the people who have done the voting so far in the primaries.

I liken the media to the Lions roaring when King Nebuchadnezzar sent Daniel to the Lion's den. If you remember the account in the book of Daniel, God closed the mouths of the Lions and sent an angel to protect Daniel. So there is hope that the media can do a turnaround and encourage the American people to vote for a candidate based on their honesty, integrity and perceived ability to run the country. ''

I hope this clarifies my position. I welcome your comments and encourage you to read The Political Machine - Posts by Tommy Christopher and Elections: 2008 by Barbara Simpson on Worldnet

Have a great day and stay informed of the exciting goings on in the race. McCain and Hillary have won in New Hampshire - Hillary is no surprise because the newspapers there all endorsed her.


Unknown said...

I love that point about the lions! Excellent.

Thomas said...

Enjoyed your comments. I read history and the Bible regularly-though I am not a Huckibite. The law of the Medes and Persians (King Darius) resulted in Daniels successful stay in the den of lions. It seems that an egotistical law resulted in his freedom of worship to be challenged. Who do we have as candidates from the contending parties who will respect values, faith, and hope in our country. Hillary called it "false hope". I believe that Senator Obama has this positive message. Immense negative experience does not outweigh positive experience and hope. The Republicans have a variety of "hopefuls". But who represents a man of wisdom, ability to solve difficult problems, and represents himself by living that character. I believe Mitt Romney exhibits this. Men/Women grow from experience and can change viewpoints within a decade. Would all the Senators have voted for The War if they had known what they do now? Look for the character that is willing to stand in a den of lions when perverse men try to change laws that take away ours/and other countries citizens rights to assembly, free speech, and religion.

Lady Of Light said...

Thomas, thank you for your comments. I agree with you that there are several possibilities in the Democratic party candidates of people who will "stand in the Lion's Den" I believe Senator Christopher Dodd was one, even though he is no longer in the race. (See Chris Dodd Cares About the Rights of the American People>)
Please continue to visit my site and comment as I present the issues of the other Republican Candidates.

Lady Of Light said...

homertojeebus - thaks for your comment of appreciation.

Lady of Light