Tuesday, January 8, 2008

God Will Establish Us

Now we are actually into the second week of the New Year and have begun to attempt to live out our resolutions. Somehow we plan to improve ourselves, our lives, our relationship with God, our relationship with others, our involvement in the church and community, and our careers and jobs as well.

If you have been reading my posts, you can see I have made a commitment to quite a few changes and quite a few things. It's not easy to "teach an old dog new tricks" but the bible says, thank God, "All things are possible with God." In this same vein, I want to introduce a verse from Psalm 90:17.

"And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."

This is perhaps a prayer of David because he knows that if the beauty of God be upon us - that is we do things to bring honor and glory to God, our works will be established. We must commit each and every plan to Him in order to know that we will have the supernatural power that is necessary to make consistent changes, improvements and accomplishments in our life.

One of the sure ways to accomplish new things is to pray and set goals on faith. We can do this as we know that God will establish us if we are behaving according to His will. Certainly God loves us and wants us to be healthy, have healthy relationships and to prosper in all that we do. We are so very fortunate to have a loving heavenly Father who hears and answers our prayers.

Let's be like David, and ask for the beauty of God to be upon us and for God to establish the work of our hands.

I wish God's blessing upon you as you will to carry out new plans and make new changes in

I will speak more about my progress and experiences in future posts.

Lady of Light

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