Thursday, March 20, 2008

God;s Gifts of Hearing and Seeing

Lady of Light

After recently having eye surgery, I am very aware of God's gift of vision - not only physical, but spiritual as well. In Proverbs 20:12, it tells us:
"The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the Lord made even both of them." I am so grateful for these two gifts, both physical and spiritual.

When I see physically after the surgery, everything is bright and beautiful and I am so much more aware of little things. I walked outside yesterday and saw the first signs of spring. Our little garden in the front of the house has hyacinths and daffodils coming up from last year's planting. Yellow and pink - so beautiful. Then, I am hearing the music of spring - the birds singing what seems to be a sweeter song. A bit different than in the cold of winter.

Then there is the spiritual vision - God is constantly showing me new things from his word and in my life about how he put me here for a purpose - to worship and praise him, to encourage others and to enjoy the many blessings he has for me - one of His dear children. I thank God for His special vision and also for allowing me to hear the still small voice of His spirit resonate from within.

To see and to hear, we need to meditate on His word - in Psalm 19:14 it says a little prayer: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer."

So, as God strengthens and redeems us, we are able to think the thoughts that He has for us and become richer and stronger in faith.

May God bless you today, and may you see and hear all things to the glory of God.

Lady of light

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