Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Faith Comes By Hearing

Lady of Light

When we think about the many things we hear each day and the messages that the brain hears, we must wonder, are we feeding our faith and the faith of others?
In Romans 10:17, it says:

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

How much time do we spend listening to and sharing the Word of God in a day? While it is true that TV, Radio and the Internet all have spiritual messages, it is up to us to tune in to them and tune out so much of the other stuff that crowds our minds in a day.

I read Daily Word by Joel and Victoria Osteen every day. I receive it on the internet and I look forward to it because it gives me a bible verse, a meditation or lesson, and a prayer. It helps me to have something to share and to think about throughout my day as I am being inundated with many other stimuli. Daily Bread is good for this also, or just reading the Psalms and Proverbs of the date as we have discussed in the past. Memorization of bible verses also enables us to hear the word in our mind at any time.

So, if you come in contact with people during the day and you want to feed their faith, remember it comes by hearing the word of God. Share a good word with someone today, and meditate on a good word for yourself.

May God Bless You,

Lady of Light


Audio Bible said...

Dear Lady of Light,
Thanks for your blog. Like you, I too like to listen to encouraging, uplifting broadcasts. I like to listen to God's Word in audio. About 70% of the Scripture is in story telling form and when reconstructed in a dramatized format becomes very engaging, like a book on tape. Remembering a good story is much easier than trying to memorize a set of facts. You and others can download a free Audio Bible at www.FaithComesByHearing.com.

Lady Of Light said...

Thanks so much for sharing the website. I will mention it in today's blog in case readers don't see the comments. I appreciate any feedback to my writing and I encourage "reader involvement."

Just remember, listening as well as giving out the word are both important. I knew many kind Christians in my younger life but they didn't give testimonies and the word so I didn't hear as much as I could have from those who showed God's love but forgot to share his word. I welcome future comments -thanks again.

Lady of Light