Thursday, May 8, 2008

Listen to the Birds

Lady of Light

If you want to have an especially blessed time, wake up at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning like I did today - before the dawn. My husband and I were sitting in the quiet and heard the solo song of a bird. I wonder what he (or she) was saying. The music was wonderful - like nothing man can create. About an hour later, this bird was joined by others. What a marvelous thing, the beautiful way the birds sing. Well, now it is later, and the only thing I hear is the traffic on the street drowning out the birds so I am real glad we were awake for the "morning miracle".

In the bible, God tells us that "not a sparrow falls to the ground that he doesn't know about." When I think of this it gives me such comfort that whatever I or the people around me are going through, God knows all about it. He is always working behind the scenes to heal, help and prepare great things for us, even when we "fall" or "fail".
He turns even the negative experiences into something positive if we trust him and wait on him. This is not always easy, but it sure is a tried and true way to live.

Whatever you or your loved ones are facing, like the sparrow, God knows and cares.
Let the joy reign in your heart like the song of the bird today and smile at someone.
You can make a difference today. I am going to take a walk and smile at everyone I see today - I know how good I feel when people are happy and smiling and I will strain to hear the birds above the traffic and hang on to that great experience of early morning.

God bless you
Have a great day!
Lady of Light

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