Thursday, March 26, 2009

Names Are Important

Lady of Light

In the newspaper I read of a 75 year old woman with Alzheimer's Disease who spent many years in a state hospital because they didn't know her name and so she wasn't eligible for Medicaid so that she could go to a nursing home. Years ago, she had been found wandering around a shopping mall and didn't know her name so she was taken to the hospital. Somehow, she now has an identity and can go to a nursing home. This story has a happy ending but it does raise the question as to whether or not the state should make exceptions in cases like this.

In the bible, Mary was told by God that her child's name would be Jesus. John the Baptist's parents were told that he would be named John. Apparently, God thinks names are important because he instructed these parents what to name their children.

Your name is a precious gift - thank God for it - this poor lady had to live for years without a name and suffer the consequences.

Have a great day!

Lady of Light

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