Monday, October 27, 2008

The Gift Of Rest

Lady of Light

When we think of God's gifts, how often do we think of rest that is a gift of God. Not only spiritual rest, but physical sleep as well. Anyone who has ever experienced insomnia will attest to that. Isn't it a miracle that we can be tired at the end of the day and fall into slumber, only to awake renewed in mind, body and spirit to a new day?
In Hebrews 4:9 it says"

"There ramaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."

In the days of Genesis, Adam "fell into a deep sleep" when God took a rib from him and created Eve.

So, I suggest that we learn to rest, sleep and appreciate rest as a gift from the Almighty and to be thankful for the way we can continue to be refreshed and renewed.

God Bless You,

Lady of Light

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