"I went to your blog and found it interesting and informative. I have one thing to say about a candidate who is running for president - Barack Obama. I understand that he is a Muslim. I don't really care about his color, but his religious beliefs concern me. I am black so I am not against him for racist reasons. But I cannot, for the life of me, understand how a Muslim could be a good president of the USA. If he is a good Muslim, he rejects the entire Christian population as infidels and is sworn to their destruction (according to the Holy Quran). As a matter of fact, anyone who is not Muslim is an infidel. If he is a bad Muslim, then I would question his sincerity. I often wonder about political speeches of those running for governmental offices.So often we have heard one thing while a candidate is campaigning, only to see quite different outcomes once he/she was in office. I think we can only know how a candidate is to perform by looking at their lives, not their campaign speeches. All too often, that is not something we are able to do. GOD gave us logic and emotions and I believe they both have a place in selecting candidatesfor office> But the best gift for selection(I believe) is the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT! I just thought I'd share again. Gerry"
As you know, although I am a Democrat, my main political research for this blog is to profile the Republicans for Tommy Christopher. I was surprised when I received this letter. I do thank you for your comments, Gerry. I went to The Political Machine and found an article called "Fearing Obama". This might be helpful to you and also to my readers.
In the article, there is also a link to another article called "Sliming Obama" which was written on 1-10-08 on FACT CHECK.ORG. The introduction to the article states: "Dueling chain e-mails claim he's a radical Muslim or a racist Christian. Both can't be true. We find both are false. " They detail things that are said about the church he belongs to as well as answering to these other claims. Both of these articles may contain some helpful information for you and for my other readers.
I agree with you Gerry - not only is it our responsibility to pray for those in authority, but to use the spiritual gifts that God has given us to discern who the proper candidate will be in conjunction with what we know about their beliefs, their personal lives, and their political platform. Personally, I do not know what the total truth is concerning Barack Obama. At the very least, he has been exposed to Muslim teaching and influence earlier in his life. I do not want to judge anyone, but I prefer to cast my vote for a candidate who doesn't have these various issues in their life to begin with. Not only that, but I think there are other candidates who are more experienced and well qualified to be President of the United States.
I would urge you however, to be open minded and read the referenced articles I have presented, because anyone can have allegations made against them or have things in their life that possibly may be misunderstood.
I thank you for taking the time to read my blog - hope you and others will continue to do so, and there is a small word "comments" in the lower right hand corner of the blog that you can click on to make your comments or you can e-mail me at sueladyoflight@gmail.com.
Lady of Light
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