I am going to be writing from time to time about the concept of Separation of Church and State in sofar as what the bible has to say on this subject. I would like to begin this topic by a discussion of events in the Old Testament Book of Daniel. Various decrees were made during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, his son, Belshazzar, and Darius concerning religious issues.
The first decree came about when none of the wise men were successful in being able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream. He then
However, secrets were revealed to Daniel in a night vision, and Daniel became blessed of God in heaven. (Ch. 2:19) He was able to satisfy the king in terms of giving him the interpretation he desired. Consequently, King Belshazzar made Daniel a great man - ruler over the whole Providence of Babylon and chief of the Governors over all the wise men of Babylon.(Ch. 2:4*)
The king then set up a golden image for them to worship. He then made a decree that every man shall worship the Golden image (Ch. 3:10). He threatened to cast Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and asks who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands? (Ch. 3:15)
They answered him that "Our God will deliver us." (Ch3:17)
When the king observed the men in the furnace, they saw for men - one like the Son of God -all unharmed. (3:25) Nebucanazzar spoke "Blessed be the God of Misach, Shadrach, and Abednego - deliver them - charged the King.
Then a religious decree was put forth "Anyone who would speak against the God of Mishach, Shadrach, and Abednego would be cut in pieces." (3:28) This was, in essence, a law dictating what people were allowed to say and think regarding God.
Shadrach, Mishach and Abednego were then promoted in the Province. (Ch. 3:30)
Under Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel was promoted to the third ruler in the Kingdom.
King Darius set Daniel as first President over 120 princes. (Ch. 6:12) All of those under Daniel tried to find fault with him and could find no fault or error in him.
In order to trap Daniel, they made a decree that whoever asked a petition of an God or man except the king would be put in the lion's den. They got Darius to sign the decree. Once again, a religious law was being made.
In spite of the decree, Daniel went to his house and prayed to his God on his knees, three times a day as was his habit. As a result, the king was forced to put Daniel in the lion's den. When King Darius discovered the following day that Daniel had not been harmed and that an angel of God had protected him, King Darius made another religious decree that everyone must serve the God of Daniel. (Ch6:26).
So you can see, that in those days, there was no separation between what the government could say about religion. They were forced by decree to do certain things regarding their belief in God.
It is interesting that God, himself, superseded anything that man tried to do to prevent those who believed in him from worship ping him.
We can observe the confusion and disruptions that occurred in those days because the government got mixed up in the personal affairs of men concerning religion. In our country today, we have a policy of separation of church and state and the government cannot legislate or dictate certain things. Man is afforded a protection that they did not have in the days of Daniel.
It is this freedom that the citizens of our country cherish. The complications that arise when the waters become murky in legislation when religious views get mixed up with government can be seen in our world today.
Future forward, we will take a look at some of these things. Questions like"Should government insist that a woman give birth to a child or should this be between a woman and God?" Opinions and platforms differ on this issue as well as others.
We need to examine what has happened through time in the role of state, church and religion as put forth in the bible and will continue in a series of articles to do so.
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