Lady of Light
The Lord is my strength. As the psalmist David points out in Ps. 28 "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusteth in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth and with my song will praise him."
We can trust in the Lord because we learn in the bible, the many things he will do for us, and the strength he provides. In verse 6 of Ps. 28, for example, David declares,"Blessed be the Lord, because he has heard the voice of my supplications." There are other places, too that indicate that the lord hears and answers our prayers and supplications.
The Lord is my strength. In verse 8 of Ps. 28, David says, "The Lord is their strength and he is the saving straength of his anointed. So the Lord doesn't only provide strength, he provides SAVING strength.
The Lord is a healer. In Ps. 30, verse 2, David writes, "O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me."
The Lord transfors our sorrow into joy. in Ps. 30, Verse 11 David exclaims,"Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing; hst put off my sakcloth, and girded me with gladness."
So it seems, that regardless of what we are feeling or what we are going through we can count on the Lord to hear our supplications, give us strength, heal us, and turn our sorrow into joy.
The wonderful thing about reading the bible is that we come to know more and more about the Lord and what he does and can do for each one of us.
We have much to be thankful for as we meditate on these things. When situations seem impossible, or moods prevail, we can turn to the Lord and expect great things, as David did. There is just no reason to remain in a negative state of mind or a sad state of being. The Lord is my strength. I am ever so grateful for this good news and I wanted to share it with you.
God Bless You. Have a great day!
Lady of Light
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Love your Enemies
Lady of Light
Do you ever feel that there are people who are against you? Or people who have done things to hurt you in the past? Jesus says" Love your enemies and do good to them that hate you." How can we do this? With the heart of God.
In 1 John 4:7 the bible tells os, "Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God." So it is God who gives us the capacity to have a heart of love.
In Psalm 27, David speaks of what God does for him in terms of his enemies:. Ps. 27:4-6. " One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in the temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hdie me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me: he shall se me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy: I will sing yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord>"
To overcome your enemies and trouble, live in the presence of God and His beauty and let him lift you. Praise God in spite of difficulties or difficult people and let him lift you up above your circumstances and your enemies as well. Trust him to hide you in his pavilion as David has said.
We don't always understand why we have enemies or trials, or trouble in our lives but Charles Stanley said in a recent sermon that it is to build our character and make us more Christlike.
Aoel Osteen said in a recent sermon: Don't focus on how big your problems are, focus on how big your God is>"
Whatever it is that you are going through in your life, remember that it is only temporary and I hope you will take in the wisdom that I have shared with you from Gods word, and from some wise Christian leaders.
Charles Stanley says 'Do the right thing, and leave the consequences to GOd." So when people don't respond the way you expect when you are doing the right thing, don't worry. Just commit it to God, love your enemies and keep going.
God Bless You. Have a great day!
Lady of Light
Do you ever feel that there are people who are against you? Or people who have done things to hurt you in the past? Jesus says" Love your enemies and do good to them that hate you." How can we do this? With the heart of God.
In 1 John 4:7 the bible tells os, "Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God." So it is God who gives us the capacity to have a heart of love.
In Psalm 27, David speaks of what God does for him in terms of his enemies:. Ps. 27:4-6. " One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in the temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hdie me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me: he shall se me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy: I will sing yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord>"
To overcome your enemies and trouble, live in the presence of God and His beauty and let him lift you. Praise God in spite of difficulties or difficult people and let him lift you up above your circumstances and your enemies as well. Trust him to hide you in his pavilion as David has said.
We don't always understand why we have enemies or trials, or trouble in our lives but Charles Stanley said in a recent sermon that it is to build our character and make us more Christlike.
Aoel Osteen said in a recent sermon: Don't focus on how big your problems are, focus on how big your God is>"
Whatever it is that you are going through in your life, remember that it is only temporary and I hope you will take in the wisdom that I have shared with you from Gods word, and from some wise Christian leaders.
Charles Stanley says 'Do the right thing, and leave the consequences to GOd." So when people don't respond the way you expect when you are doing the right thing, don't worry. Just commit it to God, love your enemies and keep going.
God Bless You. Have a great day!
Lady of Light
Friday, February 22, 2008
Obama and Hillary: Is it really plagiarism?
In "Political Punch" there is an article by Jake Tapper called "Morning Plagiarism Charges". I read the article and was surprised that both Obama and Hillary would be so petty with each other.
The dictionary definition of plagiarism is "to pass off words or ideas of another as one's own." Must we fear that every time we open our mouth, an idea has been expressed by someone somewhere?
In Obama's case, he says that he personally spoke with men in Ohio so this was not stealing an idea from someone else, this was him having an experience that was similar to the experience of someone else in the past.
In Hillary's case, she used the exression about "taking hits" which is a very common expression and once again, she did not steal Bill Clinton's words or ideas, she had a similar experience which she expressed in a similar way. I don't know any political campaign where people don't "take their hits".
If you look at Acts Chapter 7 in the bible, you will see that in Stephen's famous last speech before he was stoned, he makes reference to many things that were expressed in the Old Testament and I am sure were spoken by others, but would we accuse him of plagiarism? When people make reference to something of common knowledge - a common experience or common expressions, to me, this doesn't constitute plagiarism in the true sense of the word.
When Jesus made reference to things that were spoken in the proverbs by Solomon, would we accuse him of plagiarism? Although the bible translators do cross reference the verses in Jesus' words and Stephen's speech, I do not think that either of these men is guilty of plagiarism just because these ideas are expressed prior or elsewhere. It is kind of like in the law of copyright where after a certain amount of time something becomes "public domain" and anyone can use it.
When I claim to say that my idea is "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" without giving credit to the late great President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, then I think I might be in trouble. Or if I say I wrote the Pledge of Allegiance!
To say I spoke to someone in Ohio and so did someone else or that I "took a few hits" and so did someone else, there is no comparison.
I wish these two would stop bickering over trivia and move forward! Thanks for the article that shows to me the absurdity of the whole thing.
The dictionary definition of plagiarism is "to pass off words or ideas of another as one's own." Must we fear that every time we open our mouth, an idea has been expressed by someone somewhere?
In Obama's case, he says that he personally spoke with men in Ohio so this was not stealing an idea from someone else, this was him having an experience that was similar to the experience of someone else in the past.
In Hillary's case, she used the exression about "taking hits" which is a very common expression and once again, she did not steal Bill Clinton's words or ideas, she had a similar experience which she expressed in a similar way. I don't know any political campaign where people don't "take their hits".
If you look at Acts Chapter 7 in the bible, you will see that in Stephen's famous last speech before he was stoned, he makes reference to many things that were expressed in the Old Testament and I am sure were spoken by others, but would we accuse him of plagiarism? When people make reference to something of common knowledge - a common experience or common expressions, to me, this doesn't constitute plagiarism in the true sense of the word.
When Jesus made reference to things that were spoken in the proverbs by Solomon, would we accuse him of plagiarism? Although the bible translators do cross reference the verses in Jesus' words and Stephen's speech, I do not think that either of these men is guilty of plagiarism just because these ideas are expressed prior or elsewhere. It is kind of like in the law of copyright where after a certain amount of time something becomes "public domain" and anyone can use it.
When I claim to say that my idea is "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" without giving credit to the late great President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, then I think I might be in trouble. Or if I say I wrote the Pledge of Allegiance!
To say I spoke to someone in Ohio and so did someone else or that I "took a few hits" and so did someone else, there is no comparison.
I wish these two would stop bickering over trivia and move forward! Thanks for the article that shows to me the absurdity of the whole thing.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Today's Poem: A Snowstorm
We have had a relatively mild winter so far in New Jersey where I live. However, we just had a snowstorm this past Tuesday - enough to cover the ground a few inches, and remind us that winter really is here! I would like to share my poem and do hope you will enjoy it.
A Snowstorm
Soft, white, feathery flakes fall around,
Silently creating a pure white blanket,
Covering the ground.
Its still and quiet flakes by rhythmically
Through the air.
The birds are hidden in the branches
Of a tree.
Covered with the white beauty ,
From the hand of Thee.
God, you made the winter snow,
Creating this awesome sky,
I am just going to thank you, Lord,
For creating from on High.
Soft, white, feathery flakes,
For everyone to see,
Marveling in the midst
Of this miracle,
Is every joy and happiness
to me.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Lady of Light
A Snowstorm
Soft, white, feathery flakes fall around,
Silently creating a pure white blanket,
Covering the ground.
Its still and quiet flakes by rhythmically
Through the air.
The birds are hidden in the branches
Of a tree.
Covered with the white beauty ,
From the hand of Thee.
God, you made the winter snow,
Creating this awesome sky,
I am just going to thank you, Lord,
For creating from on High.
Soft, white, feathery flakes,
For everyone to see,
Marveling in the midst
Of this miracle,
Is every joy and happiness
to me.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Lady of Light
Meatless Recipes for a Change
I have returned after a mini-vacation and today, I would like to help you get out of the "Red Meat Rut" that we can get into. Using fresh, all natural vegetables makes for healthier meals, and is also a nice diversion. I received these recipes from some vegetarian friends back in the 1970's when there was a beef shortage and the meat was very expensive and scarce. It caused me to look at alternatives. I have discovered, that as science and research has progressed over these last 38 years, we hear so much about limiting our intake of red meat for the heart and to lower cholesterol.
Back in the old days, we had fun with our friends, gathering for "new recipe" buffets. This first recipe we used as Hors Doeuvre or snacks:
Stuffed Egg Plant Rolls
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 Cup Parmesan Cheese
1/3 Cup Ricotta (or cottage cheese)
1/2 tsp. oregano
2 eggs
1 Tbs. whole wheat (or reg) flour
1/2 tbs. baking powder
dash veg. salt (or reg.)
1/3 Cup milk
5 Tbs. olive oil (or reg)
1 large eggplant
1. Combine chesses with one egg yolk - save egg white
2. Add parsley and salt - bread well
3. Beat one egg while stiff - blend in
4. Chill mixture - 15 minutes
5. Add flour, baking powder, milk, remaining egg and 1 tbs.oil
Beat well into batter
6. Peel egg plant
7. Cut in half long ways and slice longways 1/16" thick
8. Flour lightly - dip in batter mixture
9. Brown lightly in oil - drain.
10. Place cheese on slices of eggplant and roll up
11. Place in oil and bake dish at 375 degrees for 15 minutes
12. Can use tomato sauce in casserole or on the side, if desired
This next recipe provides a tasty burger that is high in protein and healthy to eat.
Soy Bean Patties (8 patties)
11/2 Cups soy beans
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 scallions, chopped (or equivalent onions)
1/4 cup non-fat dry milk
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup cottage cheese
1 tbs. soy sauce
1/4 tsp. sea salt (or reg)
1/8 tsp. black pepper
18 tsp kelp
1/8 tsp dry mustard
1/8 tsp. ginger
1 teaspoon sesame oil (or butter)
sesame seeds
Cook Soybeans: 1. soak in cold wather bowl overnight (beans triple in size)
2. Place in kettle in same liquid - add water to cover beans
3. Add dash of salt - biol then simer 3-4 hours until tender
1. Put soy beans in blender
2. Mix all ingredients in bowl - except sesame seed
3. If too wet, add mor wheat germ - if dry, add liquid
4. Shape in patties, roll in sesame seeds.
5. Let stand 15 minutes
6. Fry 8 minutes on each side.
Enjoy these two recipes as prepare ahead for a special time.
God Bless You!
Lady of Light
Back in the old days, we had fun with our friends, gathering for "new recipe" buffets. This first recipe we used as Hors Doeuvre or snacks:
Stuffed Egg Plant Rolls
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 Cup Parmesan Cheese
1/3 Cup Ricotta (or cottage cheese)
1/2 tsp. oregano
2 eggs
1 Tbs. whole wheat (or reg) flour
1/2 tbs. baking powder
dash veg. salt (or reg.)
1/3 Cup milk
5 Tbs. olive oil (or reg)
1 large eggplant
1. Combine chesses with one egg yolk - save egg white
2. Add parsley and salt - bread well
3. Beat one egg while stiff - blend in
4. Chill mixture - 15 minutes
5. Add flour, baking powder, milk, remaining egg and 1 tbs.oil
Beat well into batter
6. Peel egg plant
7. Cut in half long ways and slice longways 1/16" thick
8. Flour lightly - dip in batter mixture
9. Brown lightly in oil - drain.
10. Place cheese on slices of eggplant and roll up
11. Place in oil and bake dish at 375 degrees for 15 minutes
12. Can use tomato sauce in casserole or on the side, if desired
This next recipe provides a tasty burger that is high in protein and healthy to eat.
Soy Bean Patties (8 patties)
11/2 Cups soy beans
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 scallions, chopped (or equivalent onions)
1/4 cup non-fat dry milk
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup cottage cheese
1 tbs. soy sauce
1/4 tsp. sea salt (or reg)
1/8 tsp. black pepper
18 tsp kelp
1/8 tsp dry mustard
1/8 tsp. ginger
1 teaspoon sesame oil (or butter)
sesame seeds
Cook Soybeans: 1. soak in cold wather bowl overnight (beans triple in size)
2. Place in kettle in same liquid - add water to cover beans
3. Add dash of salt - biol then simer 3-4 hours until tender
1. Put soy beans in blender
2. Mix all ingredients in bowl - except sesame seed
3. If too wet, add mor wheat germ - if dry, add liquid
4. Shape in patties, roll in sesame seeds.
5. Let stand 15 minutes
6. Fry 8 minutes on each side.
Enjoy these two recipes as prepare ahead for a special time.
God Bless You!
Lady of Light
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Tuesday
Today is Super Tuesday. Many will be voting today. I would like to make a few brief comments about Huchabee and McCain in terms of their eonomic plans. The economy seems to be one of the most important issues in the campaign. In an article that I read which summarized the economic positions of Huckabee, I would say I am against the "Fair Tax' and illiminating the IRS and Social Security - this plan is just too radical for me. I don't see how it would really work. We don't want to take away the power of consumers. McCain's ideas are a little better.He is for tax cuts and also for an exemption on estate taxes which sounds reasonable to me. I am not sure what he wants to do with unemployment insurance, but I like the idea of job retraining programs for the unemployed.Both candidates agree that we need to spend less and also veto "pork barrel" bills.
I also agree with this.
On the esubject of Iraq, both candidates are against timetables for withdraawal which I think is good. Huckabee is against partitioning Irag. I am not sure what this means. McCain is for promoting economic development and a stable, accountable government. This sounds to me like a good idea. Being concerned about how the people are living is a good vision towards the future. It is not just winning the war, but improving things that will make the difference long range.
Whichever candidate you vote for, only one will be the Republican Presidential Candidate. I believe that McCain is the strongest, but I see that Mitt Romney won Maine and seems to be doing better than expected. It will be an exciting race, and their will be TV coverage all day and all night.
I encourage you to get out and vote because your vote makes a real difference in this election.
I am voting Democrat because I am a registered Democrat, and I am voting for Hillary Clinton. I think she is most experienced and best for President.
We will see at the end of today, after the polls close who will be competing in the November election. I just hope whoever wins will facilitate some long needed improvements to boost our economy among other things.
God Bless Your!
Lady of Light
I also agree with this.
On the esubject of Iraq, both candidates are against timetables for withdraawal which I think is good. Huckabee is against partitioning Irag. I am not sure what this means. McCain is for promoting economic development and a stable, accountable government. This sounds to me like a good idea. Being concerned about how the people are living is a good vision towards the future. It is not just winning the war, but improving things that will make the difference long range.
Whichever candidate you vote for, only one will be the Republican Presidential Candidate. I believe that McCain is the strongest, but I see that Mitt Romney won Maine and seems to be doing better than expected. It will be an exciting race, and their will be TV coverage all day and all night.
I encourage you to get out and vote because your vote makes a real difference in this election.
I am voting Democrat because I am a registered Democrat, and I am voting for Hillary Clinton. I think she is most experienced and best for President.
We will see at the end of today, after the polls close who will be competing in the November election. I just hope whoever wins will facilitate some long needed improvements to boost our economy among other things.
God Bless Your!
Lady of Light
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Update on Obama Comments
Lady of Light
I am going to spend some time making additional comments on the issues of the substance of the Republicans but before I get into that, I want to update my comments about Obama.

I n answer to my reader's letter about not voting for Obama, I said that I really didn't know about him. Since that time, I heard Obama give a clear profession of being of the Christian faith for the last 20 years and he and his wife have also dedicated their children to Christ.
I know from the people I have spoken to that comments about his religious beliefs raised doubts in the minds of some people. On Tommy Christopher's blog, I have been touted as "Lady of Darkness" and "Lady of Ignorance". I was also told to keep religion out of politics. I wasn't the one who put it there - others raised these issues about Obama long before I printed my reader's letter.
Because I do not like to see anyone smeared or treated unfairly, I gave the links for articles that dispelled negative myths about Obama. I like Obama. I am a Democrat. I am voting for Hillary because I believe she is the best candidate with the most previous experience that will be positive in the White House - it would be great if Obama could be Vice President.
I originally backed Senator Chris Dodd until he withdrew from the race and then John Edwards until he withdrew.
I am being completely candid about my position but the purpose in writing articles is to help readers to know something about the substance of the Republican candidates, and I do write about all subjects from a Christian perspective when applicable.
I am always very interested to look into what the bible says on all issues. Future articles will be about what the bible says about Separation of Church and State. The first of these articles appeared last week dealing with the book of Daniel.
I encourage you to read and comment.
Lady of Light
I am going to spend some time making additional comments on the issues of the substance of the Republicans but before I get into that, I want to update my comments about Obama.
I n answer to my reader's letter about not voting for Obama, I said that I really didn't know about him. Since that time, I heard Obama give a clear profession of being of the Christian faith for the last 20 years and he and his wife have also dedicated their children to Christ.
I know from the people I have spoken to that comments about his religious beliefs raised doubts in the minds of some people. On Tommy Christopher's blog, I have been touted as "Lady of Darkness" and "Lady of Ignorance". I was also told to keep religion out of politics. I wasn't the one who put it there - others raised these issues about Obama long before I printed my reader's letter.
Because I do not like to see anyone smeared or treated unfairly, I gave the links for articles that dispelled negative myths about Obama. I like Obama. I am a Democrat. I am voting for Hillary because I believe she is the best candidate with the most previous experience that will be positive in the White House - it would be great if Obama could be Vice President.
I originally backed Senator Chris Dodd until he withdrew from the race and then John Edwards until he withdrew.
I am being completely candid about my position but the purpose in writing articles is to help readers to know something about the substance of the Republican candidates, and I do write about all subjects from a Christian perspective when applicable.
I am always very interested to look into what the bible says on all issues. Future articles will be about what the bible says about Separation of Church and State. The first of these articles appeared last week dealing with the book of Daniel.
I encourage you to read and comment.
Lady of Light
My Poem for Today "A Lost Leaf"
Lady of Light
Super Bowl Sunday is here! In NJ, we have a perfect, mild weather day so I am going to go out and stretch my legs before tonight's game. You might think I should write a Super Bowl poem but I could only come up with some sing song rhyme that didn't sound to good. ..
"The meatballs are cooking in the kitchen, there's a pile of chips,
Mom is in there making all kinds of crazy dips!!
Soon the players will be on the screen,
It's going to be the most exciting game you have ever seen!
May the best team win!
They usually do,
We'll find out which one is really true!
Enjoy the time with family or a friend,
Route for your favorite team til the end!"
Now, I will print my usual Sunday poem - I wrote this about 10 years ago and it kind of fits in with winter. When I go walking, I still see a few stray leaves on the ground:

The Lost Leaf
A lost leaf, drifting around in the winter wind
Blown out of a tree,
No longer connected to the branch,
Plucked away to a new location,
Still possessing the beauty of the coat of color
Painted by the fall season's sun.
A misfit on the winter ground, surrounded
By shriveled leaves,
Discovered by another leaf whose fate was
We found each other and we parted,
A lost leaf, drifting from the past to the future -
New ground.
God bless you, have a great day!
Lady of Light
Super Bowl Sunday is here! In NJ, we have a perfect, mild weather day so I am going to go out and stretch my legs before tonight's game. You might think I should write a Super Bowl poem but I could only come up with some sing song rhyme that didn't sound to good. ..
"The meatballs are cooking in the kitchen, there's a pile of chips,
Mom is in there making all kinds of crazy dips!!
Soon the players will be on the screen,
It's going to be the most exciting game you have ever seen!
May the best team win!
They usually do,
We'll find out which one is really true!
Enjoy the time with family or a friend,
Route for your favorite team til the end!"
Now, I will print my usual Sunday poem - I wrote this about 10 years ago and it kind of fits in with winter. When I go walking, I still see a few stray leaves on the ground:
The Lost Leaf
A lost leaf, drifting around in the winter wind
Blown out of a tree,
No longer connected to the branch,
Plucked away to a new location,
Still possessing the beauty of the coat of color
Painted by the fall season's sun.
A misfit on the winter ground, surrounded
By shriveled leaves,
Discovered by another leaf whose fate was
We found each other and we parted,
A lost leaf, drifting from the past to the future -
New ground.
God bless you, have a great day!
Lady of Light
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Super Bowl Sunday is Almost Here!
I am sure by now you are prepared to order your favorite pizza, make your favorite meatballs, dip or cheese and crackers - our supermarket had gargantuan scallops, crabs and shrimp. Don't forget my one dish stew, chili and ziti on previous posts. I thought I would share a few special sweet treats out of the ordinary to have throughout the day or after the game. It should be a very exciting game - we do have two good teams competing . The Giants and The New England Patriots which are my team as those who know me know I was born in New England and always root for the Patriots.
I am just glad for the opportunity to relax with my husband and view the
game on TV in our comfortable living room away from the crowds. Try the following recipe suggestions:
3 Interesting Desserts
Pumpkin Bread
Combine: 3 cups sugar
1 cup corn oil
4 beaten eggs
Add: 1lb. can of pumpkin
2/3 cup water
Sift together and
add to the rest: 31/2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. clove
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. allspice
Grease and flour 3 bread pans . fill half full and bake for one hour at 35O0
Mom's 24 Hour Salad
16 Marshmellows
2 Tblsp. strawberry juice
1 cup fresh strawberries (sliced)
1/2 cup crushed drained pineapple
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 cup heavy cream (whipped)
2 oz. cream cheese
Also, if desired: walnuts, grapes, cherries (chopped)
1. Melt marshmellows and juice over low heat.
2. Fold in the fruit.
3. Blend cream cheese and mayonaise until smooth .
4. Fold into other mixture.
5. Ford into whipped cream.
6. Refrigerate 4-24 hours (Serves 10)
Yorkshire Pudding
Bake in a round dish for 35 - 40 minutes at 400 degrees
Combine: 1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1/2 cup salt
2 eggs
1. Use meat drippings or melt butter in the dish first
2. Pour mixture into dish and bake
3. Variation: add cooked bits of sausage and use the drippings
I like the Yorkshire pudding . It's easy, sugar free, made with ingredients you usually have in the house, and goes with a meal or by itself as a warm treat.
The pumpkin bread can be frozen in loaf or slices if left over and makes a great coffee treat or snack for the children. The salad is a nice way to get a few servings of fruit and is a little different than the ambrosia I gave you last week.
Enjoy the recipes and the game! God bless you!
Lady of Light
I am just glad for the opportunity to relax with my husband and view the
3 Interesting Desserts
Pumpkin Bread
Combine: 3 cups sugar
1 cup corn oil
4 beaten eggs
Add: 1lb. can of pumpkin
2/3 cup water
Sift together and
add to the rest: 31/2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. clove
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. allspice
Grease and flour 3 bread pans . fill half full and bake for one hour at 35O0
Mom's 24 Hour Salad
16 Marshmellows
2 Tblsp. strawberry juice
1 cup fresh strawberries (sliced)
1/2 cup crushed drained pineapple
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 cup heavy cream (whipped)
2 oz. cream cheese
Also, if desired: walnuts, grapes, cherries (chopped)
1. Melt marshmellows and juice over low heat.
2. Fold in the fruit.
3. Blend cream cheese and mayonaise until smooth .
4. Fold into other mixture.
5. Ford into whipped cream.
6. Refrigerate 4-24 hours (Serves 10)
Yorkshire Pudding
Bake in a round dish for 35 - 40 minutes at 400 degrees
Combine: 1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1/2 cup salt
2 eggs
1. Use meat drippings or melt butter in the dish first
2. Pour mixture into dish and bake
3. Variation: add cooked bits of sausage and use the drippings
I like the Yorkshire pudding . It's easy, sugar free, made with ingredients you usually have in the house, and goes with a meal or by itself as a warm treat.
The pumpkin bread can be frozen in loaf or slices if left over and makes a great coffee treat or snack for the children. The salad is a nice way to get a few servings of fruit and is a little different than the ambrosia I gave you last week.
Enjoy the recipes and the game! God bless you!
Lady of Light
Friday, February 1, 2008
Immigration - A Difficult and Complex Issue
At the Republican debates, there was a discussion of immigration, and of course, when John McCain showed confidence about knowing how to build fences and tighten up the borders, that sounded like a sensible and possible thing.

However, when talking about what to do with the 10 million illegal immigrants that are already here, this is more complex. Kennedy's solution of having each pay $3,000 and they can stay for the rest of their lives actually is probably the least costly in the long run. Now that they have TIN numbers and can pay taxes, they would be contributing to the country and we would not have the expense of finding all these people and deporting them! They way Governor Romney spoke , it sounded like we would have some kind of a bill where we would review each case individually to decide if and when each person would be asked to return to their country.
This could be a very costly process. I have a friend who went for her food stamp reevaluation which is a relatively simple process, and it took 3 hours to be seen and to complete the process.
If every immigrant had to be reviewed for one hour, by one person who was paid $1.00 an hour, that would cost $10 million dollars and we know you would need a larger staff for more money, in addition to the expense of deporting these people. Then, as Governor Romney pointed out in a previous speech, UPS has a better system of tracking packages than we do of tracking immigrants!
I understand the concerns that many people have about this problem, but I didn't really hear a viable solution from any candidate. Fining employers who don't comply with regulations makes no sense since these immigrants are allowed to have TIN numbers and pay taxes now. They will never be able to keep track of all "under the table" jobs.
I have no real answers, but it doesn't seem as if anyone else does either!
Would be interested to hear your comments or suggestions. What candidate do you think has the best plan or what plan do you think is the most viable?
Lady of Light
However, when talking about what to do with the 10 million illegal immigrants that are already here, this is more complex. Kennedy's solution of having each pay $3,000 and they can stay for the rest of their lives actually is probably the least costly in the long run. Now that they have TIN numbers and can pay taxes, they would be contributing to the country and we would not have the expense of finding all these people and deporting them! They way Governor Romney spoke , it sounded like we would have some kind of a bill where we would review each case individually to decide if and when each person would be asked to return to their country.
This could be a very costly process. I have a friend who went for her food stamp reevaluation which is a relatively simple process, and it took 3 hours to be seen and to complete the process.
If every immigrant had to be reviewed for one hour, by one person who was paid $1.00 an hour, that would cost $10 million dollars and we know you would need a larger staff for more money, in addition to the expense of deporting these people. Then, as Governor Romney pointed out in a previous speech, UPS has a better system of tracking packages than we do of tracking immigrants!
I understand the concerns that many people have about this problem, but I didn't really hear a viable solution from any candidate. Fining employers who don't comply with regulations makes no sense since these immigrants are allowed to have TIN numbers and pay taxes now. They will never be able to keep track of all "under the table" jobs.
I have no real answers, but it doesn't seem as if anyone else does either!
Would be interested to hear your comments or suggestions. What candidate do you think has the best plan or what plan do you think is the most viable?
Lady of Light
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